Fall 2023 After School for VHE, Spark, ML

Fall 2023 Programs/Classes 


Trans­porta­tion pro­vid­ed from VHE, Mary Lin and SPARK to Con­tact­Point L5P (502 Semi­nole Ave) 

Ten­nis and Golf at Can­dler Park

Mon­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Tree climb­ing 3–5 
  2. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00 2 spots
  3. Ten­nis 4:00–5:00
  4. Mul­ti Sports at ML (sign up MASP)
  5. Golf TBD 3:00–4:30, Sept start

Tues­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Lit­tle Botanists, 3:00–5:00 
  2. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00 FULL
  3. Ten­nis 4:00–5:00 
  4. Flag Foot­ball at Mary Lin (sign up MASP

Wednes­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Tree climb­ing 3:00–5:00 
  2. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00 FULL
  3. Ten­nis 4:00–5:00 
  4. Bas­ket­ball at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)

Thurs­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports, Art, Lit­tle Botanists, Tree climb­ing 3:00–5:00 
  2. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00 
  3. Ten­nis 4:00–5:00
  4. Ulti­mate  at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)
  5. Golf Club TBD 3:00–4:30 Sept start

Fri­day Classes

  1. CP L5P Sports 3:00–5:00
  2. Ten­nis 3:00–4:00
  3. Ten­nis 4:00–5:00 
  4. Run Club at Mary Lin (sign up MASP)

Cost for classes:

Con­tact­Point L5P $25/day

Ten­nis $25/day takes place at Can­dler Park 

Golf $35/day

Mary Lin Sports $22/day (pay through MASP)

PLAY DAY at Con­tact­Point, L5P.  A fun day of activ­i­ties at our unique out­door loca­tion in Lit­tle 5 Points. A small turf field for soc­cer and dodge­ball; a small hock­ey rink for hockey/Gaga, bas­ket­ball hoops, play­ground for cap­ture the flag, Tree Climb­ing, tree swings, rid­ing toys, and indoor ART class­es are some of the sports and activ­i­ties avail­able to the chil­dren. Class runs til 5:00 Mon­day-Fri­day with trans­porta­tion from VHE, Mary Lin and SPARK

CLICK HERE to contact us.

CLICK HERE for registration form

Click HERE to pay online

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